Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Main Vocals
Lead 5 (charang]

Backing Vocals
Lead 5 (charang]


Track 4

Synth Bass
Slap Bass 2

Overdriven Guitar

I go ooh ooh you go ahh ahh La la la la, a la la la I can la la la la la la I wan-na wan-na wan-na get get get what I want, don't stop. Gim-me, gim-me, gim-me what-cha got got Cos I can't wait wait wait a-ny m-more more more. Don't ev-en talk a-bout the con-se-quence Cos right now you're the on-ly thing that's mak-ing a-ny sense to me And I don't give a damn what they say or what they think, think. Cos you're the on-ly one who's on my mind. I'll nev-er ev-er let you leave me I'll try to stop time for-ev-er Nev-er wan-na hear you say good-bye. I feel so un-touched and I want you so much That I just can't re-sist you It's not e-nough to say that I miss you. I feel so un-touched right now, need you so much some-how I can't for-get you Go cra-zy from the mo-ment I met you. Un-touched, un. And I need you so much. See you, breathe you I want to be you A la la la, a la la la You can take take t-t-take take time time To live live the way you got-ta got-ta live your life Gim-me, gim-me, gim-me all of you you Don't be scared, of see-ing through the lone-li-ness. I want it more more more Don't ev-en think a-bout what's right or wrong or wrong or right Cos in the end it's on-ly you and me And no one else is gon-na be a-round To an-swer all the ques-tions left be-hind And you and I are meant to be So ev-en if the world falls down to-day You've still got me to hold you up up And I will nev-er let you down I feel so un-touched and I want you so much That I just can't re-sist you It's not e-nough to say that I miss you. I feel so un-touched right now, need you so much some-how I can't for-get you Go cra-zy from the mo-ment I met you. Un-touched, un. Un-touched. Un-touched, un. Un-touched. Un-touched, un. La la la la, a la la la Un-touched, un. La la la la, a la la la I feel so un-touched and I want you so much That I just can't re-sist you It's not e-nough to say that I miss you. I feel so un-touched right now, need you so much some-how I can't for-get you Go cra-zy from the mo-ment I met you. I feel so un-touched and I want you so much That I just can't re-sist you It's not e-nough to say that I miss you. I feel so un-touched right now, need you so much some-how I can't for-get you Go cra-zy from the mo-ment I met you. Un-touched, un. Un-touched. Un-touched, un.